Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just Keep Swimming...

Hey there good people!... sorry it has Been SOOO long since i have updated this here BLOG.. but like for real.. it has been a while haha.. so sorry!.. i will attempt to update this thing more regularly. So anyway... what has been going on in the life of Brett?? A TON!!!! SOOO MUCH!! i am just SO busy ALL the time!!..

no.. not really.

Not much has been going on in the life of Brett actually.. you know.. sorta just.. BIG CHILL... i have been watching a lot of movies recently.. i am almost done with LOST.. i have about 10 more episodes left. lets see here what else.. O and i applied for the Disney College Program!

Well i applied and then i had my interview on the 21st of January. i was told 3-4 weeks of waiting.. WELL.. today marks day 26 of waiting.. this. is. rough. I feel like everybody has already heard and i am the only one who hasn't!! well there are like 4 of us still.. but man!.. it has just been SOOOO long of a wait!.. i can Barely take it anymore!

I just have to be Patient and Trust that in all good time.. everything will work out. Whether it be Disney or not.. everything will work out for the Better.

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

So i just have to put my trust and hope in the Lord ~ "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." ~ Isaiah 40:31

I just have to take comfort in these words. And i have :) So now there is only one thing to do!


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Alrighty... so i was tagged by B Cat for this awesome little embarrassment game thing. Well!!!... there is one thing that pops into my mind whenever i think of Brett Knapp and embarrassment LOL.. so here it goes..

Ok.. so let me take you back to 1998.. In Slidell Louisiana. Me and my brother decide to go visit my cousins at their house. They kinda live a little ways out into the woods. Well we are just havin a dandy ol time when we decided to go back in the marsh on our 4 wheelers and dirt bikes.. Keep in mind that i was about 10 years old at this time. Well my brother.. who was 14 was too scared of the dirtbike.. so he had to ride on the 4 wheeler with my cousin taylor. So that means i rode with John on the dirbike.. ANYWHO... so we get to ridin.. and we are havin a fun time.. well we decide to go WAY out in the marshland and get off of the bikes and just go walk around.. Now.. you also need to know.. that me and my brother.. well.. lets just say that we were pleasantly plump and my cousins were all Skin and Bones. Keep in mind.. that i have to poo REALLY bad at this point.. but i couldnt tell them to just turn around.. cuz we were probably a good 5 miles away from the house... well anyway.. we are walkin around.. jumping from log to log.. and we come to this part in the marsh where there is a log.. then a bunch of mud.. then another log.. well my cousin decides to jump on the mud and then onto the next log.. well the mud was firm enough and he was thin enough to make it to the other log.. I can barely contain myself at this point.. I am halfway bent over because i think my crap is just about to shoot out everywhere!!.. well then my brother decides that he wants to be on the other log also.. so he attempts to make it past the mud... as he steps out into the mud.. His shoe gets stuck!!!! and so he is just on the other log with one shoe.. and NO way to get to the other one!!! IT was Hysterical!!!.. but at that moment.. I had a Diarrhea EXPLOSION!!! It was awful!! and Green!! lol... well, because of how hard and loud we were all laughing.. nobody noticed that i has just exploded all over my pants, legs, and the log i was on. So we all get back on the bikes and head for the homestead. I am sitting in my crap.. and it is SO gross.. my plan was to get back home.. sneak it into the bathroom and then shower with all my clothes on. So as we are riding back my cousin leans backwards and yells," Whats that smell?!?!" ... and i say.. "IDK just keep going!!" even though i knew perfectly well that that smell was protruding from my pants. So We Finally make it back home.. we get off the bikes.. well.. we begin to walk into the house.. and all of a sudden my cousin goes.. "Brett, what is that running down your leg?!?!" and i was like "what are you talking about???" trying to play dumb!! haha... then he realizes.. "UH!!! you crapped your pants!!!" .. then he goes to his dirtbike.. "Uh!! Theres crap all over my dirtbike!!.. You are cleaning that off!!".. I was SO embarrassed!!.. then to top it all off.. my at the time.. 6 year old cousin comes around the corner and says.. "Brett.. you crapped in your pants?!?.. even I dont do that anymore!" .. talk about embarrassing lol.. So after my mother brings me a change of clothes.. and after i get the courage to come out of the bathroom.. i go and clean my cousins dirtbike.. cleaning that dirtbike was the saddest most embarrassing 15 minutes of my life!

The End.

Sorry if that wasnt entertaining.. i was laughing the entire time of writing this lol.

So I am going to tag Kat and Jess :)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chim Chiminey..

Hello there yall!.. I sure hope yall are having a great week so far. It is wednesday.. which means the week is half way over! :) Which also means we are that much closer until apps come out. O I just want to be able to apply!!

So i recently went to the school in which i am hopefully going to enroll in and apply to the DCP through. I am going to only be taking one class, for that is all that Disney requires. However, when i got there, I was told that i will have to be paying for the class by next week! So somehow i have to come up with $400.. and if i don't, then i will not be attending the DCP!! :( ... this can NOT happen!.. I will sell my body if i have to!. I am currently trying to sell my iphone on ebay. We shall see what the next few days have in store for me.

Anywho.. just wanted to give yall a little update. Hopefully i will be getting the money. Apps come out in 15 days!.. i would be so sad if i couldnt apply. Anywho.. Best wishes!!

Maybe i just need to do a little sweeping...

Chim chiminey
Chim chiminey
Chim chim cher-ee!
A sweep is as lucky
As lucky can be

Chim chiminey
Chim chiminey
Chim chim cher-oo!
Good luck will rub off when
I shake 'ands with you
Or blow me a kiss
And that's lucky too